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DISTANCE 1:10 M > B > E

The distance between my former studio in Merksem (Antwerp) and the gallery (van der Mieden) in Brussels: 48,3 km / 4.830 lines / scale = 1:10, each line is 1 m. The drawing was part of the exhibition "Distance, M > B" (January - February, 2013) at the gallery. After this exhibition, this drawing was showed during the exhibition "Katernen" at Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven, Holland (April, 2013). Therefore the drawing had been completed with 12.900 lines (129 km), which was the distance between the gallery in Brussels and the museum in Eindhoven / 2012 - 2013.

related works: DISTANCE 1:100 M > T / DISTANCE 1:100 M > B

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