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AN ACT OF TRAVELING BY WATER kris van dessel_04.jpeg
AN ACT OF TRAVELING BY WATER kris van dessel_02.jpeg



An exploration via Google Maps through waterways and ports, canals and lakes, oceans and straits, bordering continents without docking anywhere. Departing from the Havenhuis on Zaha Hadid Square to my home studio on the Kempisch Dok in Antwerp. Passed the Arctic Ocean, with a turn around Russia, the Strait of Gibraltar to Valletta, through the Bosporus, around the Crimea, across the Dnieper to Kiev and back, past Cherson, the Channel between England and France, the Western Scheldt.... During this trip, all coordinates were recorded. These were read aloud and recorded as an audio file.

Sound piece on USB-drive / 36 minutes and 6 seconds / 4.5 x 2.1 x 6.5 cm / unique / 2023.

related exhibition: _XTR​_​ C_RR_C_L_M

excerpt of AN ACT OF TRAVELING BY WATERKris Van Dessel
00:00 / 11:45
Schermafbeelding 2023-08-13 om 12.46.49.png
AN ACT OF TRAVELING BY WATER kris van dessel_05.jpeg
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