2021 Mu.ZEE, RUIL, collaborative artwork with Hans Demeulenaere, Ostend, BE
2020 Villa Bota, sons trouvés │ verloren klanken, Bruges, BE
2019 Rooilijn architectuur, WILD CITY, Antwerp, BE
2019 Armando Collection, one drawing, Chabot Museum, Rotterdam, NL
2018 Société d'électricité, AS THE CROW FLIES, Brussels, BE
2018 City of Ninove, WE WANT THE AIRWAVES - EditionNinove, BE
2016 M HKA, 7 INCH and APPROACHES, Antwerp, BE
2016 The Archive is Limited, APPROACHES, Amsterdam, NL
2015 MACBA archive, SAMPLED HISTORY - APE #048, Barcelona, SP
2007 Vereniging van Openbare Bibliotheken, one painting, The Hague, NL
2006 Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, one drawing, Brussels, BE
2006 De Kunstenbibliotheek, TRANSIT, Ghent, BE
2003 De Kunstenbibliotheek, OBSTRUCTIES, Ghent, BE
2003 De Koninklijke Bibliotheek, OBSTRUCTIES, The Hague, NL
2003 Provincie Antwerpen, one painting, Antwerp, BE
2003 Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, one painting, The Hague, NL
2002 Teylersmuseum, three drawings, Haarlem, NL
2001 Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, one painting, The Hague, NL
various private collections since 1998