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Ongoing bird watching in the vicinity of Kris Van Dessel's studio since 2022.

A mapping of domestic, native and migratory birds.

Aalscholver - (Great) Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo

Blauwe reiger - Grey heron - Ardea cinerea

Bosrietzanger - Marsh warbler - Acrocephalus palustris

Bosuil - Tawny owl - Strix aluco

Buizerd - Common buzzard - Buteo buteo

Canadese gans - Giant Canada goose - Branta canadensis

Distelvink, Putter - European goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis

Ekster - Eurasian magpie - Pica pica

Fazant - Common pheasant - Phasianus colchicus

Fuut - Great crested grebe - Podiceps cristatus

Gaai - Eurasian jay - Garrulus glandarius

Gele kwikstaart - Yellow wagtail - Motacilla flava

Gierzwaluw - Common swift - Apus apus

Grauwe gans - Greylag goose - Anser anser

Groene specht - Eurasian green woodpecker - Picus viridis

Groenling - European greenfinch - Chloris chloris

Grote bonte specht - Great spotted woodpecker - Dendrocopos major

Grote mantelmeeuw - Great black-backed gull - Larus marinus

Halsbandparkiet - Rose-ringed parakeet - Psittacula krameri

Heggenmus - Dunnock - Prunella modularis

Houtduif - Common wood pigeon - Columba palumbus

Huismus - House sparrow - Passer domesticus

Huiszwaluw - Common house martin - Delichon urbicum

Ijsvogel - Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis

Kanarie - Canary - Serinus canaria

Kauw - Western jackdawCorvus monedula

Kip - Chicken - Gallus gallus domesticus

Kleine karekiet - Eurasian reed warbler - Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Kleine mantelmeeuw - Lesser black-backed gull - Larus fuscus

Knobbelzwaan - Mute swanCygnus color

Koekoek - Common cuckoo - Curculus canorus

Kokmeeuw - Black-headed Gull - Croicocephalus ridibundus

Koolmees - Great tit - Parus major

Kraanvogel - Common crane - Grus grus

Meerkoet - Eurasian coot - Fulica atra

Merel - Common blackbird - Turdus merula

Nachtegaal - Common nightingale - Luscinia megathynchos

Nijlgans - Egyptian goose - Alopochen aegyptiacus

Nyasa-agapornis - Nyasa lovebird - Agapornis lilianae

Pimpelmees - Eurasian blue tit - Cyanistes caeruleus

Raapje - Whinchat - Saxiola rubetra

Roodborst - European robinErithacus rubecula

Scholekster - Eurasian oystercatcherHaematopus ostralegus

Sijs - Eurasian siskin - Spinus spinus

Slechtvalk - Peregrine falcon - Falco peregrinus

Spreeuw - Common starlingSturnus vulgaris

Staartmees - Long-tailed tit - Aegithalos caudatus

Stadsduif - Feral pigeon - Columba livia

Steenuil - Little owl - Athene vidalii

Tafeleend - Common pochard - Aythya ferina

Tapuit - Northern weathear - Oenanthe oenanthe

Tjiftjaf - Common chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita

Torenvalk - Common kestrel - Falco tinnunculus

Tuinfluiter - Garden warbler - Sylvia borin

Turkse tortel - Eurasian collared dove - Streptopelia decaocto

Valkparkiet - Small grey Australian parrot Nymphicus hollandicus

Vink - Common chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs

Visdief - Common tern - Sterna hirundo

Wilde eend - Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos

Winterkoning - Eurasian wrenNannus troglodytes

Witte eend - Domestic duck - Anas platyrhynchos

Witte kwikstaart - White wagtail - Motacilla alba

Zanglijster - Song thrush - Turdus philomelos

Zilvermeeuw - European herring gull - Larus argentatus

Zwarte kraai - Carrion crow - Corvus corona

Zwarte roodstaart - Black redstart - Phoenicurus ochuros

Zwartkop - Eurasian blackcap - Silvia atricapilla

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